Si usted o alguien que usted ama fue gravemente herido o muerto en un accidente de barco, póngase en contacto con GJEL para una revisión de caso GRATIS. Nuestro equipo de abogados de accidentes de barco se compromete a ayudar a las familias y haremos todo lo posible para responsabilizar a los culpables.

GJEL maneja casos de lesiones graves y muerte por negligencia de accidentes de navegación en todo California.

$13,600,000 Juicio por homicidio imprudente en accidente de navegación Ver caso

Hable con un abogado de accidentes de barco de California - Usted puede tener derecho a una indemnización por:

  • Salarios perdidos por lesiones o fallecimiento
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Gastos funerarios
  • & más

Lucharemos por usted sin coste alguno para usted. Usted no pagará a menos que y hasta que ganemos su caso. Póngase en contacto con un abogado de accidentes de barco en GJEL hoy para averiguar si usted tiene un caso.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros

GJEL es un bufete de abogados galardonado por lesiones personales

GJEL es uno de los bufetes de abogados de accidentes de barco mejor calificados de California y hemos recuperado más de $ 950 millones de dólares para nuestros clientes, manteniendo una tasa de éxito del 99%. Nos especializamos en ayudar a las víctimas que han sido gravemente heridos o muertos en accidentes de navegación y embarcaciones en todo California.

abogados de accidentes marítimos 1
En GJEL damos a cada caso la atención personal que se merece. Somos expertos en accidentes de barco

Qué debe hacer tras un accidente de barco

En el lugar de los hechos

Ponte en contacto con la Guardia Costera o la comisaría de policía marítima más cercana para presentar un informe del incidente. Obtén los nombres, datos de contacto e información sobre el seguro de los demás navegantes implicados, y haz fotos del lugar del accidente. Estos informes y fotos conservarán la información y ayudarán en cualquier acuerdo o litigio posterior.

Tras un accidente de barco, debe buscar atención médica inmediatamente. Aunque las lesiones parezcan leves, es importante que te examine un médico lo antes posible. Las lesiones pueden no ser evidentes hasta días o incluso semanas después de un accidente.

Después del accidente

Si se ha visto implicado en un accidente de navegación, deberá consultar a un abogado especializado en este tipo de accidentes, que podrá asesorarle sobre la mejor forma de proceder. También deberá reunir toda la documentación que pueda sobre sus lesiones y los gastos relacionados.

Tenga cuidado con lo que dice a terceros. Los peritos de seguros y los abogados tienen un gran interés en minimizar sus daños y pagar lo menos posible por su reclamación. Lo mejor es dejar que un abogado con experiencia se encargue de sus preguntas y peticiones.

Tipos de casos que llevamos

En GJEL, manejamos todo tipo de accidentes de navegación. Éstos son algunos de los accidentes más comunes que vemos:

- Accidentes de navegación en actos relacionados con el trabajo
- Accidentes de embarcaciones de alquiler y submarinismo
- Incendios de embarcaciones
- Resbalones y caídas

Aunque algunas embarcaciones pueden parecer más seguras que otras, un crucero con camarote es tan susceptible de sufrir un accidente como un velero. Esto se debe a que el tiempo en el agua puede ser impredecible.

Si usted se lesionó en un barco debe hablar con un abogado de inmediato.

Los abogados de GJEL especializados en lesiones en la navegación están a su disposición para ayudarle en lo que necesite.

Los accidentes de navegación en California son frecuentes

Tanto si disfruta de su tiempo en una embarcación privada, como si conduce una moto acuática o coge un transbordador para ir al trabajo, corre el riesgo de sufrir lesiones graves en la navegación.

Aunque la navegación puede ser una actividad divertida, a veces ocurren accidentes.

Aunque los operadores y propietarios de embarcaciones tienen el deber de actuar con la máxima diligencia para evitar lesiones a terceros, es frecuente que se produzcan lesiones por negligencia o descuido.

Algunos de los accidentes de barco más comunes son los siguientes:

  • Resbalón y caída debido a una superficie mojada
  • Colisiones múltiples de embarcaciones
  • Hundimiento o vuelco de la embarcación
  • Incendios de barcos
  • Caerse de un barco
  • Muerte

Muchos accidentes que tienen lugar en embarcaciones son consecuencia de un operador imprudente o inexperto o de algún tipo de avería en la embarcación.

Si usted o un ser querido ha sido lesionado en un accidente de barco, póngase en contacto con GJEL Abogados de Accidentes de Barco hoy para una revisión gratuita de su caso. Hemos recuperado más de $ 10 millones de dólares para los clientes que han sido gravemente heridos o muertos debido a la negligencia de un operador de barco o propietario.

Principales causas de accidentes de barco en California

En 2021, hubo 593 accidentes de navegación reportados en California, resultando en 256 lesiones y 44 muertes. Estas son algunas de las razones más comunes de los accidentes de navegación.


Más de un tercio de todos los accidentes de navegación implican un conductor de barco que está bajo la influencia del alcohol y / o drogas. California tiene estrictas leyes BUI (navegación bajo la influencia), pero a menudo son ignoradas. Un abogado de accidentes de barco puede obtener la compensación que se merece por las lesiones causadas por los navegantes intoxicados.

Velocidad insegura

Navegar demasiado rápido para las condiciones del agua puede provocar graves accidentes. Otras embarcaciones pueden volcar a causa de las estelas provocadas por un navegante imprudente, o los pasajeros pueden resultar heridos cuando una embarcación choca contra rocas sumergidas a gran velocidad o es incapaz de detenerse antes de chocar contra otra embarcación.

Manejo negligente e imprudente de una embarcación

Muchas lesiones se producen por negligencia del operador. Las embarcaciones de recreo están obligadas a llevar extintores y chalecos salvavidas y a disponer de bocinas y señales visuales. Los capitanes deben estar atentos a otras embarcaciones y a los bañistas en el agua. Un abogado especializado en accidentes de embarcación puede ayudarle a responsabilizar a los propietarios negligentes por su descuido.

Conductor inexperto de embarcaciones

Los operadores de embarcaciones deben conocer las normas de navegación. Deben ser capaces de manejar situaciones de emergencia y deben saber cómo conducir y gobernar una embarcación. Sin esos conocimientos, un navegante inexperto se convierte en un peligro para los pasajeros y para otros navegantes. La inexperiencia del conductor es la tercera causa principal de accidentes de embarcación.

Imprudencia o imprudencia del pasajero de la embarcación

Aunque los accidentes de navegación son causados con mayor frecuencia por un error del operador, los pasajeros también pueden ser declarados culpables de comportamiento imprudente, criminal o negligente. Un pasajero que agreda a otro o interfiera en el funcionamiento de la embarcación puede ser considerado responsable de sus actos en caso de que provoquen lesiones o accidentes.

Mal tiempo

Cuando se está en el agua, el tiempo puede ser impredecible. Los operadores deben mantenerse alerta ante los cambios meteorológicos y prestar atención a las previsiones y avisos de la Guardia Costera sobre condiciones meteorológicas peligrosas. Si no lo hacen, exponen a su embarcación y a los pasajeros a un grave riesgo de lesiones o muerte.

Estadísticas de accidentes de barco en EE.UU.

Un hombre disfruta de un paseo en barca por un lago de California

Hay aproximadamente 13 millones de barcos y embarcaciones registrados en EE.UU., muchos de los cuales deben estar equipados con dispositivos de seguridad aprobados por la Guardia Costera, como:

  • Dispositivos personales de flotación de distintos tamaños para adultos y niños
  • Dispositivos productores de sonido, como una bocina, un silbato o una campana.
  • Radio en funcionamiento para realizar llamadas de socorro en caso de emergencia.
  • Extintor
  • Señales visuales de socorro como luces o banderas naranjas
  • Ventilación en embarcaciones de gasolina

Estos y otros dispositivos de seguridad son importantes para los navegantes de todas las edades y niveles de habilidad, ya que pueden salvar vidas al evitar accidentes y lesiones graves. Desgraciadamente, cada año mueren 800 personas y más de 8.000 sufren lesiones por accidentes de navegación.

Tipos de daños en una demanda por accidente de barco

Los accidentes de navegación pueden ser traumáticos y cambiarle la vida. Si usted estuvo involucrado en un accidente de barco debido a la negligencia o mal comportamiento de otra persona, usted tiene derecho a una indemnización por sus pérdidas. Estos son algunos de los daños que puede reclamar en una demanda por accidente de barco.

Costes de tratamientos médicos pasados y futuros

Resbalones y caídas, casi ahogamiento, heridas de la hélice, u otras lesiones de un accidente de navegación puede conducir a altas facturas médicas y gastos médicos continuos. Si su abogado de accidentes de barco puede demostrar en una demanda que la otra parte o partes fueron totalmente culpables en el incidente, usted puede esperar una compensación total por cualquier tratamiento médico pasado o futuro necesario para sus lesiones. Esto incluye no sólo los gastos médicos y hospitalarios, sino también la rehabilitación, la terapia y los dispositivos médicos necesarios.

Indemnización por daños morales

Los accidentes de navegación pueden dejarle con dolor crónico y trauma mental. Si las lesiones que sufrió fueron graves y le causaron dolor extremo y sufrimiento emocional, o si perdió a un ser querido debido a un accidente de navegación, puede tener derecho a una indemnización por su dolor, sufrimiento y angustia emocional. Un abogado con experiencia en accidentes de barco puede asegurarse de que usted sea compensado por el dolor, la ansiedad y las noches de insomnio causadas por el descuido de otra persona.

Salarios perdidos

Un accidente de navegación puede dejarle incapacitado para trabajar durante un largo período o dejarle incapacitado para desempeñar su trabajo anterior. Si usted pierde salarios o su capacidad de trabajo se ve afectada como resultado de un navegante negligente, usted merece ser compensado por sus pérdidas financieras, beneficios perdidos, promociones perdidas, y otros daños a su potencial de ingresos. Un abogado experto en accidentes de navegación puede calcular sus pérdidas salariales y construir un caso fuerte para sus reclamaciones de salarios perdidos.

Daños materiales

Si su embarcación resulta dañada en un accidente de navegación en el que la otra parte ha tenido la culpa, tiene derecho a una indemnización por el valor justo de mercado de su embarcación o por el coste de las reparaciones necesarias. También puede presentar una reclamación por los bienes personales dañados, perdidos o destruidos en el accidente. Su abogado especializado en accidentes de barco puede ayudarle a calcular las pérdidas de bienes y a presentar las reclamaciones de reembolso ante las personas adecuadas.

Hable con un abogado de accidentes de barco en GJEL

Le invitamos a llamar al 1-855-508-9565 o por correo electrónico para hablar con un abogado con experiencia en accidentes de navegación en GJEL si usted o un ser querido ha sido herido en un accidente de navegación. Ofrecemos consultas gratuitas, y se nos paga sólo cuando ganamos su reclamo. Usted no pagará honorarios si no obtenemos un veredicto o acuerdo para usted.

Visite la páginaContáctenos para encontrar nuestra oficina más cercana. Ponerse en contacto con nosotros no crea una relación abogado-cliente.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce se lesionó en un accidente de barco, póngase en contacto con GJEL hoy para una revisión gratuita y sin obligación de caso en (925) 471-8225.



  • Cómo apoyar a una víctima de accidente: Consejos para amigos y familiares
    Accidents can happen to anyone, at any time, and they can be devastating. It is crucial to first assess the accident scene and ensure safety before providing help. Whether it’s a car accident, a motorcycle accident, or other personal injury, the victim can suffer physical, emotional, and financial injuries. During such a difficult time, friends and family members can be a great source of support for the accident victim. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to best support an accident victim and help them on the road to recovery. 1. Be There for Them One of the most important things you can do for an accident victim is to simply be there for them. This means physically being present, listening to them, and showing them that you care. Whether it’s through phone calls, visits, or text messages, make sure they know that you are available to help and support them. Additionally, providing comfort and reassurance to the accident victim is crucial until emergency services arrive. 2. Help with Practical Matters Accident victims may struggle with day-to-day tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and running errands. Offer to help with these practical matters so that the victim can focus on their recovery. This can be especially helpful if the victim lives alone or if their family members are unable to help. When assisting, handle the victim carefully to avoid causing further injury. Offer Emotional Support to Car Accident Victims Accidents can be traumatic experiences, and victims may suffer from anxiety, depression, or other emotional issues. Be there to listen and offer emotional support. Encourage the victim to talk about their feelings and offer reassurance and positivity. Help with Medical Appointments and Treatments Accident victims may have to attend numerous medical appointments, including physical therapy and follow-up visits. Offer to drive the victim to these appointments or accompany them to provide support. This can help ease the burden of managing medical appointments, especially if the victim is in pain or struggling to get around. Primary care physicians play a crucial role in the recovery journey of car accident victims by providing comprehensive care coordination, advocating for their needs, and collaborating with legal experts to ensure they receive the necessary support, medical care, and documentation for their well-being. 5. Provide Financial Assistance Accidents can be costly, and the victim may face significant medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. If you are able, offer financial assistance to help ease the burden. This could include helping with bills, offering to pay for prescriptions, or helping the victim apply for financial assistance. Additionally, working with the insurance company can be crucial in handling legal matters and ensuring the victim receives appropriate compensation. 6. Avoid Judgment and Blame Accidents can be stressful and emotional for everyone involved. However, it’s important to avoid judgment or blame. Instead, focus on being supportive and understanding. Remember that the victim is already dealing with a lot, and criticism or blame can make things worse. 7. Help with Rehabilitation If the accident victim requires rehabilitation or physical therapy, offer to help with exercises or accompany them to appointments. Encourage them to stay positive and keep up with their rehabilitation plan. Additionally, it is crucial to provide immediate first aid if the victim faces life-threatening injuries before professional help arrives. 8. Offer Practical Assistance Accident victims may need practical assistance with tasks such as bathing, dressing, or grooming. Offer to help with these tasks if the victim needs assistance, but be respectful of their privacy and independence. 9. Help with Legal Matters If the accident victim needs legal assistance, offer to help with research or provide referrals to experienced attorneys. Legal matters can be complex and overwhelming, and having a knowledgeable and supportive friend or family member can be very helpful. Additionally, it is crucial to collaborate with emergency personnel and legal professionals to ensure the best care for the victim. 10. Be Patient Recovery from an accident can be a long and difficult process, and it’s important to be patient. Offer support and encouragement, but avoid pressuring the victim to recover quickly. Remember that recovery is a personal journey, and everyone heals at their own pace. 11. Offer Distractions During recovery, the victim may feel isolated or bored. Offer distractions such as books, movies, or games to keep them occupied and help take their mind off their injuries. 12. Help with Transportation If the victim is unable to drive, offer to provide transportation to appointments, social events, and doctors appointments. Before providing transportation assistance, it is crucial to assess the accident scene for immediate danger, such as the risk of fire or explosion. 13. Respect Their Boundaries While it’s important to be there for the accident victim, it’s also important to respect their boundaries. Some people may want space or time alone to process their thoughts and feelings. Others may have specific needs or preferences for how they like to receive support. Be open and respectful of the victim’s needs and preferences. 14. Stay Positive and Supportive Recovery from an accident can be a long and difficult journey, and it’s important to stay positive and supportive. Offer encouragement and remind the victim of their progress and achievements. Celebrate small victories along the way and help the victim stay focused on their goals. 15. Keep in Touch After the initial shock of the accident wears off, it’s easy for friends and family members to drift away. However, it’s important to stay in touch and continue to offer support throughout the recovery process. This can include phone calls, text messages, or visits. In conclusion, accidents can be traumatic experiences, and it’s important for friends and family members to provide support and encouragement to the victim. By offering practical assistance, emotional support, and patience, you can help the victim on the road to recovery. Remember to respect their boundaries, stay positive, and stay in touch throughout the recovery process. Frequently Asked Questions Accident victims may suffer from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress…
  • Los días más peligrosos para conducir: Los 10 momentos de mayor riesgo en la carretera
    Apr 12, 2023 Conducir es una parte esencial de nuestra vida cotidiana, pero con ella viene el riesgo inherente de accidentes de coche. Aunque los accidentes pueden ocurrir en cualquier momento, ciertos días y condiciones suponen un riesgo mayor que otros. El día más peligroso del año para conducir varía en función de diversos factores, como los días festivos, las condiciones meteorológicas y el aumento del tráfico. Según las estadísticas, los días festivos peligrosos como el Memorial Day, el 4 de julio, Acción de Gracias, Navidad, Año Nuevo y el Día del Trabajo tienden a tener tasas de accidentes más altas. La temporada de vacaciones, incluyendo días festivos como Acción de Gracias y el Día de los Veteranos, también ve un mayor riesgo de accidentes de tráfico debido a factores como la conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol y el tráfico más pesado. En este artículo, vamos a explorar los 10 días más peligrosos para conducir y proporcionar información para ayudarle a mantenerse a salvo en la carretera. 1. El día de Año Nuevo se considera uno de los días más peligrosos para conducir debido al aumento de incidentes de conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol tras las celebraciones de Nochevieja. Con más conductores ebrios en la carretera, el riesgo de accidentes aumenta considerablemente. Manténgase seguro el día de Año Nuevo: 2. Acción de Gracias Acción de Gracias La temporada de vacaciones, incluido Acción de Gracias, es una época de reuniones familiares y celebraciones, que a menudo implican viajes de larga distancia. Con más gente en la carretera y la posibilidad de condiciones meteorológicas adversas, el riesgo de accidentes aumenta durante este periodo. Consejos para una conducción segura en Acción de Gracias: 3. Fin de semana del Memorial Day El fin de semana del Memorial Day marca el comienzo no oficial del verano, y mucha gente aprovecha el fin de semana largo para hacer viajes por carretera y pasar las vacaciones. El fin de semana del Día del Trabajo es otro periodo festivo con riesgos similares, conocido por un elevado número de colisiones mortales y un mayor riesgo de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol. Esto provoca un aumento del tráfico y una mayor probabilidad de accidentes. Manténgase seguro durante el fin de semana del Día de los Caídos: 4. El Cuatro de Julio El Cuatro de Julio, una de las principales fiestas de verano, es una época popular para celebraciones al aire libre, barbacoas y fuegos artificiales. Por desgracia, también es un día peligroso para conducir debido al aumento del consumo de alcohol, la congestión del tráfico y los viajeros de larga distancia. Consejos para una conducción más segura el 4 de julio: 5. Viernes Negro El Viernes Negro, el día después de Acción de Gracias, es famoso por sus ofertas de compras y las multitudes masivas. Con más gente en la carretera dirigiéndose a centros comerciales, aumenta el riesgo de accidentes e incidentes relacionados con el tráfico. Manténgase seguro el Viernes Negro: 6. Las noches de los viernes son siempre arriesgadas para la conducción, ya que muchas personas están ansiosas por comenzar sus fines de semana y pueden ser más propensas a comportamientos de riesgo o a conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol. Consejos para conducir con seguridad el viernes por la noche: 7. Meses de verano Los meses de vacaciones de verano, sobre todo de junio a agosto, presentan mayores índices de siniestralidad debido al aumento de los desplazamientos, el mayor número de conductores adolescentes en la carretera y el incremento de los proyectos de construcción. Manténgase seguro durante los meses de verano: 8. El tiempo lluvioso puede crear condiciones de conducción peligrosas, como visibilidad reducida, carreteras resbaladizas e hidroplaneo. Consejos para una conducción segura bajo la lluvia: Evite los frenazos bruscos o los giros bruscos para evitar el hidroplaneo 9. Días de colegio Los días de colegio, especialmente por la mañana y por la tarde, plantean riesgos únicos debido al aumento del tráfico, los autobuses escolares y los peatones jóvenes. 10. Cambios del horario de verano Los días siguientes al comienzo y al final del horario de verano pueden alterar los patrones de sueño y provocar somnolencia al volante, lo que aumenta el riesgo de accidentes. Consejos para una conducción segura durante los cambios de horario de verano: En conclusión, ser consciente de los días más peligrosos para conducir y tomar precauciones adicionales durante estos tiempos puede reducir significativamente el riesgo de estar involucrado en un accidente. Mantente alerta, planifica con antelación y conduce a la defensiva para garantizar tu seguridad y la de los que te rodean. Si ha sufrido lesiones en un accidente, póngase en contacto con nuestros abogados de accidentes de coche en San Francisco para una revisión gratuita de su caso hoy mismo. Última actualización 4/14/2023 por Andy Gillin
  • Si mi hijo sufre un accidente, ¿cómo se gestionan los fondos?
    Protecting Your Child’s Future: How Injury Compensation is Held in California (GJEL Accident Attorneys) Ensuring Your Child’s Recovery is Secure & Well-Managed. Blocked Accounts, Special Needs Trusts & More Explained. Free Consultation: Get the Right Guidance for Your Child’s Case. Read the full article for a California personal injury attorney’s in-depth explanation of how injury compensation for minor children is handled in California. Learn about blocked accounts, special needs trusts, and how GJEL Accident Attorneys can help protect your child’s future. When your minor child is injured due to the negligent actions of another, you may feel outraged, heartbroken, and extremely worried about what your child’s future may hold. Further, you may be thinking about filing a personal injury claim on your child’s behalf, but may have questions regarding what will happen to the money your child recovers based on the fact that they are a minor. This process is often referred to as a child injury settlement, which requires court approval and may involve establishing blocked accounts to ensure the funds are used appropriately. It is important to note that if the child is the victim in a personal injury case, then most of the funds recovered (with some exceptions, as will be discussed in more detail below) belong to the child. If you are pursuing a personal injury case to recover compensation for your minor child, consider the following — What Happens to My Child’s Settlement Money? A very common question is, “If my child is injured, how do the funds get handled when we make a recovery?” And the answer in California is almost always the same: the child’s settlement money will probably go into what is called a “blocked account” after a judge approves the settlement. Whenever a minor is involved in a case, we go to court and we get a judge to approve the settlement – this is called a minor’s compromise. As a general rule, the judge will order that funds are put into a separate blocked account for the child and no one can touch it without court approval. However, a blocked account is not the only way that funds can be stored that are recovered for a minor child in a personal injury settlement. In fact, the state of California provides a number of options for the safekeeping of a child’s money. What Is a Blocked Account? A blocked account is very simple, and is often selected because it is the easiest to establish, and the most straightforward to manage. A blocked account is just a bank account into which a minor’s settlement money is distributed, and, as stated above, cannot be accessed by the parents (or anyone else), or by the child until the child is 18. While blocked accounts may be easy to establish, they yield very low returns, and because they provide the minor with full access to the money upon turning 18, parents may not want money stored in this account type. Parents are often worried that their 18-year-old will squander the thousands of dollars kept in the account, having not yet developed the financial responsibility to manage such a sum of money. While funds are blocked, it is important to note that during the time that the funds go in and the time the child turns 18, the parents can always ask us to petition the court in order to take some of the funds out for special educational needs of the child, or medical needs, or anything of that nature. And we do that at no charge whatsoever until the child turns 18. Alternatives to a Blocked Account There are some alternatives to a blocked account, although ultimately how the child’s funds are stored is the decision of the court. One option is a single-premium deferred annuity. Essentially, funds are made in a single, lump sum payment to the single-premium deferred annuity, and in exchange, the beneficiary receives a guaranteed stream of income for the remainder of their life. Annuities are also beneficial because interest growth is compounded, and there is no tax until withdrawal. Another alternative is a structured settlement, which can be used to manage a child’s funds through periodic payments. This method ensures financial stability and protection for the minor by using a trust or annuity to pay out the settlement over time, with agreed percentages and dates for accessing the settlement fund. Another option for storing a child’s funds is a special needs trust. A special needs trust may be a wise idea when the injury sustained by the child has resulted in a disability, and because of this disability, the child will be able to qualify for public resources (such as Social Security benefits, Medicare, etc.). If the child were to be given full access to the money in a blocked account, these funds would disqualify them from government benefits that they otherwise would be eligible for. By placing funds in a special needs trust, funds can be managed by the trustee to purchase things that the child/adult needs, while also not affecting their eligibility for benefits. If a settlement is for less than $5,000, then the money will probably just be distributed to the parents for the parents to hold for the child until the child is 18. Do Parents Receive Any Part of a Settlement in a Child’s Personal Injury Claim? A common misconception is that all funds received in a settlement belong to the injured child and therefore cannot be used by the parents. However, this is not true; while noneconomic damages, such as the value of the child’s pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, etc. certainly do belong to the child, as may some economic damages, such as the value of the child’s future lost wages, a large portion of economic damages may also belong to parents. For example, if parents have already paid hundreds or thousands of dollars in medical bills, or will pay medical bills up until the period of time that the child turns…
  • El baloncesto, el deporte más peligroso de Estados Unidos
    Following the return of spring sports schedules across the US, a national spike in sports-related injuries is inevitable. So, as Americans around the country take to basketball courts, football pitches and baseball fields, we wanted to make sure people are aware of the potential dangers associated with playing some of the nation’s favorite sports – and what they can do to protect themselves against the most common sporting injuries. After extensive research, our team has found that Basketball is the most dangerous sport in the US, with 2,823 injuries sustained in 2021 – 64% more than American Football. Basketball is also the fourth leading cause of injury for both pick-up and organized community sports, resulting in more than 200,000 basketball-related injuries annually requiring emergency room treatment. The study follows the opening of the 2022 NBA finals, taking place from the 2nd to the 19th June, which has seen a number of key players unable to take part due to injury. We analysed 2021 data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS)¹ to raise awareness of the risks associated with the country’s most popular sports. In 2021, approximately 57.5 million viewers in the United States watched digital live sports content at least once per month², making sports one of the most watched broadcasts in the country. This year’s NBA playoff viewership is at the highest level in nearly a decade3, however, the most watched sports league is the NFL, with the 2021 regular season averaging at 17.1 million viewers4. The top five most dangerous sports in 2021, and the number of injuries that landed Americans in the Emergency Room, are: Basketball – 2,823 American Football – 1,719 Soccer – 1,289 Baseball – 347 Boxing – 247 According to live sports injury data on ESPN5, despite the NFL having five times as many injured players as the NBA, only 1% of NFL injuries have resulted in the player having a long-standing injury, compared to 82% of NBA players. Our research found that ankles were the most commonly injured body part for basketball players, making up 28% of all recorded injuries that led to hospital visits in 2021. The NBA also lists the ankle as the most frequently injured joint, with over 1,800 game-related ankle injuries compromising 14.7% of all injuries in an average year6. For football, the knee was the most frequently hurt body part according to E.R records from 2021. Interestingly, the most common major knee injury to occur in football is a rupture of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament)⁷. Famously, legendary quarterback Tom Brady tore his ACL after being struck directly in the knee⁸ during the opening game 2008 NFL season, with the injury forcing him to sit on the sidelines for the remainder of the season. Our sports injury team also reviewed the most common type of injury sustained in each sport – and the amount of settlement money Americans could potentially claim if they were to sustain these common injuries. Sprains and strains were found to be the top injuries for the three most dangerous sports in the US, making up almost two fifths (37%) of all basketball injuries, compared to 29% for soccer and 26% for American football. Ligament pain was listed as the top injury in 23% of cases for both basketball and soccer, and 21% for American Football, making it the second most common sport-related injury in the country. We can reveal that such sprains and strains can lead to a settlement of up to $50k, while ligament pain can result in a payment of up to $25k, both depending on the severity of the injury. So what is the most dangerous team sport? Basketball Treating sports-related ankle injuries In reference to ankle injuries being the most common amongst basketball players, we have devised a step-by-step guide on how to successfully treat a similar injury, with professional advice from UCSF Health. ‘Step 1: RICE ‘RICE stands for rest, ice, compression (with an elastic ankle wrap) and elevation (toes above the nose). For significantly swollen ankles or if limping persists for more than three days, you should see a doctor. ‘Step 2: Rehabilitation: ‘To prevent permanent damage to the ankle, take steps to achieve better range of motion (flexibility), balance and strength. Many of these exercises can be done at home. ‘Range of motion exercise – Place one foot on a stairway step. Allow the back heel to stretch downward over the edge of the step. Hold each foot in this position for 30 seconds. ‘Balance restoration exercise – Stand on one leg with your eyes closed. Gradually build up to standing 30 seconds on each leg. Repeat three times. ‘Strength exercise – Lie on your side on the sofa, with the upper leg hanging over the edge. Place the top of your foot through the handles of a plastic shopping bag filled with one to two pounds of weight (one or two cans of soup). Slowly lift your toes toward the ceiling and hold for three seconds. Repeat 10 times. ‘Step 3: Supportive devices: ‘When back to playing sports, previously injured athletes should probably wear an ankle brace, no matter how much they have rehabilitated their ankle or how good their sneakers. An injured ankle will never have the same support again, so a brace should be considered. Using ankle braces can help prevent further injury and provide additional support during recovery. ‘Step 4: If pain continues: ‘For ankle pain and significant instability that persists despite adequate rehabilitation or physical therapy, you should see a doctor for further evaluation. You may have injured the cartilage or tendons in your ankle, which may require special testing.’ Andy Gillin, Managing Partner of GJEL, said: “With spring sports now fully underway, and summer not too far around the corner, we wanted to raise awareness of the common ailments and injuries associated with playing some of America’s most popular sports – and how much you could be owed if they occur to you. “I was surprised by the…
  • Objeciones al simulacro de juicio
    Jul 30, 2019 What is The Purpose of an Objection in a Mock Trial? Making clear, powerful objections before a judge is one of the most important skills necessary to a strong attorney, whether he or she is arguing before the Supreme Court or a Mock Trial judge. In mock trial, witnesses are only allowed to testify to official records contained in the case packet, and they cannot testify to material facts that are not included in the packet. Below is a list of suggestions to help make objections cogent, substantive, and commanding in any courtroom. Mock Trial Objections as to form of the question. Leading – suggests the answer. Leading questions are not allowed during direct examination. Compound – multiple questions as opposed to one. Narrative – too general, asks the witness to tell a story. Argumentative – challenging, arguing, badgering the witness. Asked and Answered – question has already been asked. Vague and Ambiguous – question is not clear or understandable. Non-responsive – witness doesn’t answer the question. Generally, form objections can be cured by re-phrasing the question. Most judges don’t like form objections, since they are viewed as “technical.” Limit the use of these objections, and use them tactically. If they are used blatantly or repeatedly, it will disrupt the flow of an examination. Objections to substance and personal knowledge. Relevance – not related to the disputed issue in the case. Foundation – attorney must establish necessary information before the witness can testify. Example: the witness was in a position to see or hear what is being asked. Called “laying a foundation.” Objections can be made to improper testimony if the foundation is not properly laid. Personal Knowledge – witness must have personal knowledge of what he or she is testifying about. Objections can be made if a witness lacks personal knowledge of the events they are testifying about. Character evidence – witness cannot testify about someone’s character unless it is at issue in the case. Honesty and credibility is always at issue with any witness. In criminal trials, defense can introduce evidence of the ‘good character’ of the defendant, and ‘bad character’ of an important prosecution witness. Once the defendant puts character at issue, prosecution can respond with evidence of bad character. Opinion Testimony of Lay Witness – generally, lay witnesses cannot give opinion testimony unless it is rationally based on the witnesses’ perception, or helpful to understanding the witness’s testimony. Lay witness opinions are limited to those based on their observations and perceptions. Inferences and subjective statements. Exceptions: speed, mental and emotional states, sobriety, sanity, identity of voice or handwriting. Expert Witness or Opinion Testimony – experts can give opinions, unlike lay witnesses, but they must have the requisite qualifications and their opinions must be based on the evidence experts in that field generally rely on. In a criminal case, an expert can’t give an opinion as to whether a defendant did or did not have the requisite mental state in issue. Hearsay – out of court statement admitted for the truth of the matter asserted. First question: is statement being offered for the truth? If statement is being offered to show statement was made or heard, or to show subsequent actions of listener, it is not being offered for the truth, and not hearsay. Numerous exceptions to the hearsay rule; admission against interest of party (usually any statement of the defendant, excited utterance, state of mind of declarant, declaration against interest (puts declarant at risk for criminal or civil liability), business or official records, past recollection recorded (e.g. written witness statement), reputation of person character in community, dying declaration, co-conspirator statements. Creating a material fact (specific to mock trial) – witness creates a material fact not included in the official record. Defined by mock trial rules: “a fact that tends to prove a pivotal point in the case.” Making the Objection Stand and say, for example, “Objection your honor that question lacks foundation. May I be heard?” If the court allows, explain your issue. Always ask to be heard before explaining or rebutting. Always address the judge, not the other lawyer. If you’ve already made the point or are at a loss of words, say “Submitted, your honor.” “Sustained” means an objection is granted; “Over-ruled” means not granted. Don’t thank the judge for ruling in your favor. Just move on. If your objection is sustained (granted), and the witness has already answered or partly answered, “Move to strike that portion of improper testimony that is objectionable.” Make a timely objection as soon as a question is asked and before the witness starts talking (if possible). Judges rule differently. Some are sticklers about certain types of evidence; others let everything in. Pay attention to gauge how the judge is responding to objections. If certain objections aren’t working, don’t keep making them. Alternatively, if the judge is granting, keep objecting. Multiple Objections in a Mock Trial and Cross Examination There can be more than one objection. If so, make both at same time: “Objection your Honor, hearsay and relevance. May I be heard?” “Objection your honor that question lacks foundation and is leading. May I be heard?” Objections can also be made during cross examination, such as objections to leading questions, hearsay, or the creation of a material fact. Remember: Evidence must always be relevant. So just because the question gets around the hearsay rule (for example), the evidence still be relevant (e.g. question calls for the state of mind of a witness; therefore it meets the ‘state of mind’ hearsay exception. However, in a criminal trial normally only the defendant’s state of mind is relevant. Even though the evidence satisfies the hearsay rule, it is still irrelevant and inadmissible. Here is a list of common mock trial objections: Objection, hearsay: This objection is raised when a witness is testifying about something they heard someone else say, rather than something they personally saw or experienced. Objection, leading: This objection is raised when a lawyer asks a…
  • Los 10 mejores documentales jurídicos
    Last updated: 07/31/2022 People who follow the news in the United States are not strangers to disturbing legal stories that often dominate the headlines. From the Casey Anthony trial, to the Scott Peterson verdict years before, and even the controversial O.J. Simpson murder case nearly 20 years ago, it’s often difficult to avoid the day’s most followed legal stories. But there are thousands of legal stories that go unnoticed each year by much of the general public, or are nearly forgotten years later, despite their significant implications on the criminal justice system. In the 10 following examples, documentary filmmakers have exposed and revitalized those stories to create powerful documentary films discussing a variety of troubling legal issues. We’ve compiled the trailers for the films Hot Coffee, Capturing the Friedmans, Deliver Us From Evil, and Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father, along with short descriptions and reviews for all 10 films. Take a look, and let us know some of your favorite legal documentaries in the comments section, or on our Facebook page Hot Coffee aka The Famous Mcdonalds Lawsuit and Tort Reform Hot Coffee begins with the notorious Liebeck v. McDonald’s, in which 78 year-old Stella Liebeck won a $2.7 million verdict from the fast food mega-chain after it sold her scorching hot coffee which caused second and third-degree burns over much of her body. The lawsuit became the instant poster child for frivolous lawsuits and a centerpiece in the case for tort reform here in America. It was also the basis for the Seinfeld hot coffee lawsuit episode. Hot Coffee has earned glowing reviews in major national publications like the New York Times and the Washington Post, but we’re going to focus on what law blogs have said about the Hot Coffee. The documentary emphasizes that the attorneys defending McDonald’s capitalized on the fact that the American public is dumb, writes Staci Zaretsky for legal tabloid Above the Law. The defense spun the story that Liebeck was trying to bilk McDonalds out of money she didn’t deserve, but Zaretsky describes the images of Liebeck’s injury as “one of the grossest, most disgusting things I’ve ever seen.” The film uses this as a launching pad to document the “evils” that the tort reform movement has perpetrated against countless other Americans. “I legitimately felt bad for these people,” writes Zaretsky, “Hot Coffee made me want to go out and protest and do community service.” While Hot Coffee is clearly a powerful legal documentary, it’s not free from criticism, writes Nick Farr for the Abnormal Use blog. After all, the film’s director Susan Saladoff is a trial lawyer herself, and has a clear interest in exposing the “evils” of the tort reform movement. “The larger the verdict for the plaintiff, the larger the payday for the trial lawyer,” writes Farr. “It is noble to stand up for those who may have been wronged, but don’t present yourself as a disinterested party and cloak yourself in the guise of pure altruism when doing it.” 2. Capturing the Friedmans Capturing the Friedmans essentially tells the story of a normal American family gone horribly wrong, and the legal battle that followed. The family became the center of a massive media firestorm after police began investigating Arnold Friedman for charges of child molestation after discovering a large collection of child pornography at his home in Great Neck, New York. After initially denying the charges, Arnold Friedman pleaded guilty to sodomy and sexual abuse. He died in prison in 2005, leaving a $250,000 life insurance policy to his son Jesse, who left prison in 2001 after serving 13 years for the same crimes as his father. Capturing the Friedmans won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. Despite Friedman’s guilty plea, the film unearths mounting evidence that he may have been wrongly convicted, which led veteran film reviewer Roger Ebert to write that it offered “an instructive lesson about the elusiveness of facts” in the American legal system. But despite this evidence, director Andrew Jarecki has caught criticism for keeping his own view of the Friedman debacle out of the film. In fact, Friedman’s case was very similar to multiple 1980s sex abuse convictions that were later proven to be false. “These spectacular allegations have since been exposed as utterly false,” write lawyers Harvey Silvergate and Carl Takei for Slate Magazine. “The convictions lacked physical evidence and relied on children’s testimony obtained by discredited investigative techniques, highlighting significant flaws in the criminal procedure.” Jarecki seems to have gotten the message, and included additional evidence questioning the prosecution of Arnold and Jesse Friedman with the DVD release of the film. 3. Deliver Us From Evil Deliver Us From Evil provides a portrait of Catholic priest Oliver O’Grady, who was convicted of sexual assault, molesting, and raping more than two dozen children in Northern California in the 1980s and 1990s. O’Grady served seven years in prison for his crimes, but this 2006 award winning documentary film focuses on the Catholic Church’s policy of lying for priests in order to maintain a semblance of propriety. The film interviews victims of O’Grady’s abuse, and even the priest himself, who readily admits to being aroused by children and even declares callously “let bygones be bygones” of his crimes. The trailer shows a prominent church Cardinal responding to the question “he had sexual urges toward a nine year old, is that cause to remove him from ministry” with a simple “no.” The film also takes issue with the role of gender when it comes to the acceptability of child abuse in the church, suggesting that priests are less likely to condemn molestation when it happens to girls, rather than boys. The trailer poignantly concludes with an attorney asking a Church big wig “do you think if a child were raped, that would be something that you would forget?” The priest’s attorney objects to the seemingly obvious question and…

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cómo puede ayudarme un abogado especializado en accidentes de barco?

Un abogado especializado en accidentes de barco puede ayudarle a determinar las partes responsables del accidente. Recopilará historiales médicos, informes del accidente y otras pruebas que respalden su reclamación. A continuación, negociarán con las compañías de seguros para obtener una indemnización justa por sus lesiones, o llevarán su caso ante los tribunales si fuera necesario. Los abogados de accidentes de barco conocen las leyes aplicables y pueden guiarle a través del laberinto legal hasta que se resuelva su caso.

¿Quién es responsable de los accidentes de barco en California?

La parte o partes que causaron el accidente de barco pueden ser considerados responsables de los daños en función del grado en que su negligencia o inacción contribuyeron al accidente. Múltiples personas pueden ser responsables de un accidente de barco, y cada uno puede deberle una indemnización por su dolor y sufrimiento. Su abogado del accidente del barco de GJEL tiene experiencia en estas demandas y puede sostener a estas entidades responsables de su dolor y sufrimiento debido a un accidente del watercraft.

¿Existe un plazo de prescripción para las demandas por accidentes de barco?

¿Cuánto tiempo puede esperar para presentar una demanda? California tiene un estricto plazo de prescripción de dos años para presentar demandas por lesiones personales. Si su accidente ocurrió en aguas navegables (aguas sujetas al flujo y reflujo de la marea y/o que son o han sido utilizadas para transportar comercio interestatal o extranjero), está sujeto a la ley del Almirantazgo y tiene un límite de tres años. Un abogado de accidentes de navegación puede ayudar a determinar qué estatuto se aplica a su caso.

¿Con qué frecuencia se producen accidentes de barco en EE.UU.?

Hay aproximadamente 13 millones de embarcaciones de recreo y motos acuáticas (embarcaciones utilizadas principalmente con fines recreativos) registradas en Estados Unidos. En 2021, 658 personas murieron como resultado de accidentes de navegación y 2.641 personas resultaron heridas. Si ha resultado herido o ha perdido a un ser querido debido a un accidente de navegación causado por la negligencia de otra persona, debe ponerse en contacto con un abogado especializado en accidentes de barco con experiencia en este tipo de reclamaciones.

¿Qué hace que los accidentes de barco sean tan peligrosos?

Los accidentes de embarcación son especialmente peligrosos porque en el agua no se dispone fácilmente de asistencia médica de urgencia. Si el conductor de la embarcación está lesionado o incapacitado, puede que no haya nadie más a bordo que pueda pedir ayuda o conducir la embarcación hasta la orilla. Los accidentes de navegación son graves y si usted ha sido herido en un accidente de navegación debe consultar a un abogado de lesiones por accidente de navegación que sabe cómo asegurar sus derechos y ver que se le indemnice adecuadamente.

¿Puedo reclamar por mis lesiones si iba borracho como pasajero en el barco?

Muchos paseos en barco de recreo y accidentes de navegación implican alcohol. Aún tienes derecho a presentar una demanda por lesiones en barco si estabas bebiendo, siempre que no hayas sido la causa principal del accidente o de las lesiones. Pero su estado de embriaguez puede hacer que un tribunal le considere parcialmente responsable de sus lesiones y reduzca su indemnización. Un abogado especializado en lesiones causadas por embarcaciones podrá evaluar su situación y determinar si tiene o no una reclamación de indemnización viable.

Accidentes recientes

Septiembre de 2019: Santa Cruz California