Head injuries can have serious consequences. This article outlines common signs and symptoms, emphasizing the importance of seeking immediate medical attention. Learn what to look for and contact GJEL for a free legal consultation if you’ve suffered a head injury.

Any kind of head injury could cause severe physical impairments. A head injury can occur if you’re hit in the head with any kind of object.
Sports and activities that engage the head in any capacity often result in the most head injuries, but you need to keep in mind that any activity could result in a head injury of some kind.
The injury could occur to any area of the head, such as the skull, scalp, or brain. Any kind of force that the body receives can be enough to shift the brain, resulting in an injury that could lead to a coma, stroke, or other conditions.
Injuries could result in a bruise that develops on the brain or fluid building on the brain that would need to be drained. If the injury results in a fracture of the skull, then there could be small pieces of the skull embedded in the brain.
If you were injured in an accident with a brain injury, contact our attorneys today for a free case review.
Common Signs of a Head Injury
It’s important to be able to recognize signs and symptoms of head injury in adults so that you know how to treat them and when to seek medical attention.
Seeing blood or another obvious injury
One of the evident signs is seeing blood or an obvious injury to the head. If you aren’t sure exactly where the blood is coming from or aren’t sure of the exact location of the injury, then it’s best to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
The injury could be a simple laceration, but it could also be a significant injury that could lead to physical impairments.
Another sign can be confusion
A sign of a head injury is confusion. If you or someone who has been hit in the head of injured has trouble remembering basic details, such as names and locations, then it could be a reason to be concerned about head trauma of some kind.
Dizziness can also be cause for concern
Dizziness is one of the signs and symptoms of head injury in adults that could lead to other injuries occurring if you fall.
Double Vision
Double vision is a sign of a head injury. When someone has been hit in the head, one of the first things that someone does is to ask how many fingers are seen or how many of a certain object are seen. This is to determine if there is any kind of double vision or any issues with seeing. Doctors will often tell you not to go to sleep or try to lie down after any kind of injury to the head. This is because any kind of swelling or injury could result in something that is more dangerous and could sometimes result in a loss of consciousness.
You might have a headache after a brain injury, which is a common symptom. are present. This is one of the symptoms that needs to be examined as soon as possible to determine if there are other issues present. Sometimes, the headaches might not start until days or weeks after the injury.
Headaches could become severe and indicate swelling or other issues. Many people feel nauseous or experience vomiting with head injuries. You might be sensitive to light.
Want to learn more? Check out our resources below:
Frequently asked questions
- What is the difference between a traumatic brain injury and an acquired brain injury?
- Are brain injury victims eligible for social security payments?
- TBI Settlement Questions
- What are the typical TBI medical expenses?
- What are the signs and symptoms of head injuries in adults?
Further Reading