(Source: Giving Tuesday)
Today is “Giving Tuesday.” It might not generate the same amount of fanfare as Black Friday or Cyber Monday, but for the past three years, Giving Tuesday has been kicking off the charitable side of the holiday season by harnessing “the potential of social media and the generosity of people around the world to bring about real change in their communities.”
This year, GJEL is proud to be supporting TransForm as they seek to raise $3,000 for their continued efforts to help “all Californians live in wonderful places with safe, abundant options to get where they need to go.” Throughout the day, GJEL will be matching every donation made to TransForm (up to $1,500), in an effort to make this year’s Giving Tuesday the most successful yet.
Here are a few of the projects TransForm is working on as we head into 2016 (and beyond):
- Catalyzing the transportation sharing economy, including helping to bring bikeshare to East Oakland. With the City of Oakland, TransForm is launching an ambitious program to bring the benefits of carsharing to East Oakland, now a carsharing and bikesharing desert. TransForm will piggyback on these efforts and work to promote bikesharing in East Oakland at the same time. These projects will launch later in 2015.
- Growing the Safe Routes to School program. In 2014, they worked with 106 schools to encourage safe and healthy transportation choices, helping young people to walk, bike or carpool to school. This year they will work to expand the number of students and schools served, expanding their reach to 130 schools in Alameda County.
- Ensuring that the Active Transportation Program receives the funding it needs. In June 2015, the legislature in Sacramento declined to commit $25 million to the Active Transportation Program and $25 million to support free or discounted youth passes. In order to make sure that the $25 million to the Active Transportation Program – which would increase active modes of transportation like walking and biking safely – TransForm will continue to work with 120 organizations and coalitions to make sure the important funding gets approved later this summer.
You can contribute to TransForm by donating here.
And, even if you’re not inclined to donate this year, please share the message on social media so others can see and we can help TransForm exceed their goal for Giving Tuesday!