Quadriplegia is a form of paralysis that involves the loss of a person’s ability to use and feel both legs, arms, and most of their lower body. This condition most often strikes people after injuries to the spinal cord that come as a result of auto accidentsmotorcycle accidents, falling down, or gunshot wounds.

$3,600,000 Settlement for severe spinal injury View Case

Quadriplegia most often follows spinal cord injuries between the fifth and seventh cervical vertebrae, which are located in the neck, though the condition can also arise from damage elsewhere in the spine. Any severe blow to the spinal cord can result in this sudden paralysis, rendering the victim unable to move or feel any body part below the area of impact. Because the condition is so debilitating, it is important to retain a qualified attorney with experience in quadriplegia cases to recover the maximum damages available.

The law firm of Gillin, Jacobson, Ellis, Larsen & Lucey has over three decades’ worth of experience handling cases in San Francisco and Northern California. Our Northern California quadriplegia lawyers have successfully won significant damages for victims of accidents caused by others.

Some quadriplegia cases are the result of an avoidable accident or even the result of a direct and intentional injury. Other cases have involved incidents where quadriplegia was the result of inefficient medical practices following an accident. Nearly every legal claim relating to quadriplegia is the result of some amount of negligence or liability. Our San Francisco and Northern California quadriplegia attorneys can help determine the exact fault in your particular case.

Because the most common form of quadriplegia is caused by an external force, if you or someone you love has quadriplegia, contact an experienced Northern California quadriplegia lawyer, as you may be entitled to damages. We provide free consultations to all prospective clients.

Our lawyers are only paid if we win your case, and our payment comes from a preset amount of the award only. This payment, called a contingency fee, allows people who may not be able to afford an attorney to do so without paying any costs up front.

It is important never to sign any settlement or admit to any guilt in your case without consulting an experienced attorney. It is equally vital to contact a Northern California quadriplegia lawyer from our firm as soon after the incident as possible. California has several complicated laws involving quadriplegia claims and lawsuits that make it important to file a claim early.

The law firm of Gillin, Jacobson, Ellis, Larsen & Lucey is committed to our clients and their best interests. We have experience in handling all types of quadriplegia related cases in the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California. Contact us today for a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation on your potential case.

Please visit the Contact Us page to find our local office nearest you.

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