GJEL Accident Attorneys is a proud sponsor of the following organizations
Walk San Francisco
Walk San Francisco is San Francisco’s advocacy group for people on foot. Walk SF and its members are making San Francisco a more livable, walkable city and reclaiming the streets as a shared public space for everyone to enjoy.

California Bicycle Coalition
CBC participates in walkability-bikeability trainings for public officials, provides bike safety education to employee groups, and delivers safety information online with grant funding from the Healthy Transportation Network program within the California Department of Public Health.

Bike East Bay
Bike East Bay promotes healthy, sustainable communities by making bicycling safe, fun and accessible. Bike East Bay has committed to improving access to biking, walking and transit, with particular attention to communities and areas that have been underserved.

TransForm works to create world-class public transportation and walkable communities in the Bay Area and beyond. The organization works to build diverse coalitions, influence policy, and develop innovative programs to improve the lives of all people and protect the environment.

Alameda County Bar Association & Volunteer Legal Services Corporation (VLSC)
The ACBA’s mission is to promote professional development, ethics, and civility in the practice of law. They strive to promote diversity in the legal community, promote civil rights and the fair and equitable administration of justice, improve access to legal services for Alameda County, and promote communication and cooperation among the bench, the bar and the legal community.

Contra Costa County Bar Association
The Contra Costa County Bar Association offers support in matters of the law, the legal community and the judicial system. The CCCBA serves thousands of professionals and members of the public each year.

NatureBridge fosters environmental literacy to sustain our planet. Through hands-on environmental science programs in nature’s classroom, NatureBridge brings science to life for more than 30,000 children and teens each year.

Zen Hospice Project
The Zen Hospice Project was founded in 1987 and has since become a haven for people who are dying (as well as their families) and have nowhere else to turn. The program’s Guest House provides services for those without access to other hospice care as well as those seeking to live their final days with the support of a contemplative end-of-life care community.

GJEL Is Also Proud to Support The Following Programs For The Community
GJEL Drink And Alive Campaign [from San Jose Injury Lawyers] – Free cab rides every major holiday are reimbursed by GJEL Accident Attorneys.
GJEL Summer Internship Program – Every year GJEL offers an summer program geared towards law.
California Community Involvement Scholarship – The GJEL and TransForm CA Community Involvement Scholarship will be awarded annually to two high school seniors that have shown a strong interest in bettering their community through either volunteer service, participation in local programs, or activism.
GJEL College Scholarship Program – GJEL offers an annual $2,500 scholarship to students in the community entering college.
Some of our previous community involvement campaigns have included partnering with WalkSF to promote Walk to Work Day and our Winter Holiday Charity Contest in which the winning cause received a $1,500 donation. GJEL will continue to seek out and support local organizations that share our goals of promoting safety and improving the surrounding communities.
Law Student Scholarship: A bi-annual scholarship offered to law students in the United States.