Car accidents can be devastating, and they often lead to injuries that can have long-lasting effects on a person’s life.

One of the most common types of injuries that occur during car accidents are brain injuries. These types of injuries can range from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries that require hospitalization and extensive medical care.

In this article, we will discuss the most common types of brain injuries that occur as a result of car accidents and how they can impact a person’s life.

Understanding Brain Injuries

Before we dive into the common types of brain injuries that occur during car accidents, it’s essential to understand what brain injuries are and how they happen. A brain injury is any damage that occurs to the brain, which can be caused by a blow or jolt to the head or body, a penetrating head injury, or lack of oxygen to the brain. These types of injuries can range from mild to severe and can have long-lasting effects on a person’s life.

Learn the difference between traumatic and acquired brain injuries here.

Here are the most common types of brain injuries from car accidents

1. Concussions

One of the most common types of brain injuries that occur during car accidents is a concussion. A concussion is a type of mild traumatic brain injury that occurs when the brain hits the inside of the skull, causing bruising or swelling. Symptoms of a concussion can include headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and confusion. In some cases, a person may lose consciousness for a brief period.

2. Contusions

Contusions are another type of brain injury that can occur during car accidents. A contusion is a bruise on the brain that occurs when the brain hits the inside of the skull. Symptoms of a contusion can include headache, dizziness, confusion, and even loss of consciousness. In severe cases, surgery may be required to remove the contusion.

3. Diffuse Axonal Injuries

Diffuse axonal injuries are a severe type of brain injury that can occur during car accidents. These types of injuries occur when the brain’s nerve fibers are torn, causing extensive damage to the brain. Symptoms of diffuse axonal injuries can include coma, seizures, and even death.

4. Penetrating Brain Injuries

Penetrating injuries occur when an object penetrates the skull and damages the brain. These types of injuries are often severe and require immediate medical attention. Symptoms of penetrating injuries can include severe headaches, vomiting, seizures, and loss of consciousness.

5. Hematomas

Hematomas are a type of brain injury that occurs when blood collects outside of the blood vessels in the brain. There are two types of hematomas: subdural hematomas and epidural hematomas. Subdural hematomas occur when blood collects between the brain and the skull, while epidural hematomas occur when blood collects between the skull and the outer layer of the brain. Symptoms of hematomas can include headaches, nausea, confusion, and loss of consciousness.

6. Post Concussion Syndrome

Post-concussion syndrome (PCS) is a complex condition that can occur following a concussion, which is a mild traumatic brain injury. PCS involves a variety of symptoms that may persist for weeks, months, or even longer after the initial injury. The exact cause of PCS is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to be related to structural damage to the brain or a disruption of neurotransmitter systems.

Symptoms of post-concussion syndrome can vary greatly from person to person, but they often include:

  1. Headaches: These can range from mild to severe and may resemble migraines or tension-type headaches.
  2. Dizziness: People may feel lightheaded, unsteady, or have a sensation of spinning (vertigo).
  3. Fatigue: Feeling tired or lacking energy is common, and it may be difficult to carry out daily tasks.
  4. Sleep disturbances: Insomnia, oversleeping, or frequent waking during the night can all be experienced.
  5. Cognitive difficulties: Issues with memory, concentration, and problem-solving can make it challenging to focus on work or other activities.
  6. Emotional changes: Feelings of irritability, anxiety, depression, or mood swings may arise, which can be distressing for both the individual and their loved ones.
  7. Sensitivity to light and noise: Bright lights or loud sounds may be uncomfortable or even painful, causing people to avoid certain situations.

GJEL has handled many post concussion syndrome personal injury cases with a 99% success rate.

7. Coup-Contrecoup Injuries

Coup-contrecoup injuries occur when the brain hits the inside of the skull and then bounces back and hits the opposite side of the skull. These types of injuries can cause damage to multiple areas of the brain and can have severe long-term effects.

Brain Injuries Can Be Life-Changing

Brain injuries can have long-lasting effects on a person’s life. They can cause physical, cognitive, and emotional impairments that can make it challenging to complete daily tasks and lead a normal life. Some of the most common long-term effects of brain injuries can include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

Seeking Medical Attention

If you’ve been involved in a car accident and suspect that you’ve suffered a brain injury, it’s essential to seek medical attention immediately. Even if you feel fine after the accident, it’s still important to get checked out by a medical professional, as some symptoms may not appear immediately. Early detection and treatment of brain injuries can make a significant difference in the outcome and recovery process.

Learn about the common symptoms of a brain injury here.

Prevention is Key

While car accidents can happen to anyone, there are steps you can take to help prevent brain injuries. Wearing a seatbelt and making sure all passengers are wearing theirs as well can significantly reduce the risk of brain injuries. Also, make sure to always follow traffic laws and avoid driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


Brain injuries are a common occurrence during car accidents, and they can have long-lasting effects on a person’s life. From mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries, these types of injuries can cause physical, cognitive, and emotional impairments that can make it challenging to lead a normal life. If you suspect that you’ve suffered a brain injury during a car accident, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. Remember, prevention is key, and taking steps to reduce the risk of car accidents can also help reduce the risk of brain injuries.


  1. How long does it take to recover from a brain injury?

The recovery time for a brain injury varies depending on the severity of the injury. Mild brain injuries, such as concussions, can take a few days to a few weeks to recover from, while more severe brain injuries can take months or even years.

  1. Can brain injuries cause permanent damage?

Yes, brain injuries can cause permanent damage, and the extent of the damage depends on the severity of the injury. Some brain injuries can cause physical, cognitive, and emotional impairments that can last a lifetime.

  1. Can you prevent brain injuries during car accidents?

While you can’t always prevent car accidents from happening, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of brain injuries. Wearing a seatbelt and avoiding driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol can significantly reduce the risk of brain injuries.

  1. Can brain injuries affect your emotional health?

Yes, brain injuries can affect your emotional health, and symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and mood swings are common after a brain injury.

  1. How can you support someone with a brain injury?

Supporting someone with a brain injury involves being patient, understanding, and offering emotional support. It’s also important to work with healthcare professionals to develop a treatment plan that addresses the person’s specific needs.

Injured? Don’t Wait. Call GJEL

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, don’t hesitate to reach out to GJEL Accident Attorneys. Our experienced attorneys are here to help you navigate the legal process and get the compensation you deserve. Call our highly rated California personal injury attorneys today at 866-249-2142 for a free case review. We understand the emotional and physical toll that accidents can take, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Let us fight for your rights and get you the justice you deserve. Call us now.

We have offices throughout California and our San Francisco Bay Area brain injury attorneys are available 24/7 to help you.


  1. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: This website is operated by the U.S. government and provides information on various types of brain injuries, including those that can occur as a result of car accidents.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: This is another government-operated website that provides information on traumatic brain injuries, including those that can be caused by car accidents.
  3. Brain injury Association of America: This is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting people with brain injuries and their families. They provide information on different types of brain injuries, including those that can result from car accidents.